

The founder and the HR of the blog, always looking for new ideas and inspiration. Graduated in Design and Multimedia, currently taking a Master's Degree in Journalism. She's the designer, the photographer and the crazy-cat-lady of the blog, and also the geek pet.

You can find her on her persounal instagram or on her bujo/study instagram.


The oldest, but the boldest from the trio. Right now she's finishing college, on her Illustration and comics degree. Makeup enthusiastic and a foodie at heart. She'll try to win your heart with her sense of humor and cooking skills.

You can find her at her personal instagram, ou through her portfolio page.


Licenciada em Ciências da Comunicação e estudante de Jornalismo. Nos tempos livres gosta de participar em concursos literários e de ver vídeos de gatinhos no youtube. É adoradora nata de Fernando Pessoa e Oscar Wilde.