My Christmas Wishlist 2k18

by - novembro 10, 2018

Santa Claus is coming to town, am I right? And even though this list is more about things that I need, and not necessarily that I want, but... in some comes it's kinda both. I love making wishlists, specially because they rarely leave the paper, but I like to dream that they might. So... yeah.

Organizing boxes: because my desk and my makeup are always a damn mess, so organization boxes are just what I need. But they are usually kinda expenssive, so I keep pushing the shopping.

A power bank: I don't need to explain that one, do I?

Brush Pens: Lettering, bullter journaling and all that are my new passion and I feel like I really need a pack of those to step up my game.

Golden and Silvel gel pens: for the same purpose mentioned above, and because I want to do some mug DIYs and stuff.

Headphones: because living with only earphones is a hard life.

Edgar Appan Poe and H. P. Lovecraft special editions: just look at those beautiful covers! I need those!

A tablet: god knows how much paper and money I would save if I had a tablet. And also time, because taking a tablet everywhere is easier than taking dozens of printed leaves. 

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1 comentários

  1. Poderia fazer da sua wishlist a minha, engraçado que quando você entra na faculdade ou algo do tipo todas as suas compras passam a ter um motivo, não é mais "porque eu quero" agora é "porque eu preciso".

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